Cardinal Glass and Andersen

Being Broton Contracting’s “go to” supplier, Blue Ridge Lumber had offered a trip to Andersen Windows and Cardinal Glass to further familiarize the products that we commonly use.

At Cardinal Glass’s plant in Minnesota, I found myself intrigued in the whole process of turning sand into glass. This glass would be used to create high quality windows and doors by Andersen.

I visited Andersen’s 66 acre plant, the largest in the midwest, to tour the making of their products. I developed an even stronger appreciation for all that goes into making their products, especially all of the tests that are performed to be sure that these windows and doors can stand up to anything that Mother Nature has to throw at them.

Seeing the research and development that goes into these products that last a lifetime made me feel even more confident installing and recommending them to my clients. It was a great experience.

Cardinal Glass

Andersen Windows and Doors

Photos by Karl Broton Jr.


From An Idea to a Reality

